Image via Canva

The Best City in the World

Tamara Albanna


Dear Vienna,

I would like to call a truce.

It’s been eleven years since I landed in your lush green fields, mountains and river. As well as ice cold glares from those still wistful of days gone by, where people of color were unseen.

But you have changed, softened your ways, and so I will soften mine.

Allow me to explain.

I arrived 11 years ago after agreeing to come with a child in my womb, who I feared I would lose. And one who was already Earth side but couldn’t breathe from the dust of the land and anguish of his mother.

Living in the in that part of the world, was a nightmare in and of itself. It truly is no country for women, because if something happened to the father of my children, I could lose them to the cruel patriarch of the family, that’s what the law said, that’s what happened to countless women like me. I couldn’t risk that fate, I had lost too much already.

So I agreed to come to you, even though I wanted to go home to Canada where my own family was in reach, where the laws were familiar and the land was my own. But that simply wasn’t meant to be.

I fought and struggled against you, from the first moment, I didn’t feel welcome here, the baby from my womb was only months old, and already we faced removal from this land because you simply didn’t want us. All it took was an expensive attorney, and suddenly those lost files were found. I digress…

I was isolated, alone, no family of my own. No one ever lifted a finger to help me, and yet I was expected to remain happy, keep smiling, and count my blessings.

“You asked to come here” I heard over and over again.

But, no, I was trying to save my life, and keep my children safe.

Mothers sacrifice, it’s what we do.

It’s been a love/hate with you, Vienna. There are moments when I see your beauty, so incredible it’s undeniable.

Then there were moments when I was convinced you would chew me up and spit me out, taking my soul with you to some dark depths I would never see again.

One day it came, the realization, that I have survived you, and you survived me.

So let us call a truce, and stop the bleeding. Let us see where this takes us.

In the meantime, I thank you for keeping us safe, and the countless lessons.



Tamara Albanna

Writer, Artist, Nomad… I create abstract art, mainly with alcohol inks.